Kamis, 06 November 2014

Fakta unik Tokisaki Kurumi dari anime Date a Live (dalam bahasa Inggris)

  • Kurumi is the Spirit that Mana Takamiya killed multiple times in the past. However, those that Mana killed were actually just clones created by her Angel and not the real Kurumi.
    • That said, the real Kurumi doesn't even consider Mana to be worth her time and proved to be vastly superior to her when they actually do meet and fight.
  • Kurumi has the character "three" (η‹‚「δΈ‰」)in her name. and it refers to the third Sephira on Kabbalah's Tree of Life, "Understanding."
  • Zafkiel's (Kurumi's Angel) bullet names are originally from the Hebrew Alphabet. For example, Aleph, the first bullet (from 1 o'clock) represents the first letter.
  • Elohim means "God" in Hebrew.
  • Zafkiel's name refers to an archangel. The angel is sometimes equated with Zophiel/Jophiel, but other times considered to be a different angel. Zaphkiel is the "chief of the order of thrones," one of the 9 angels that rule Heaven and also one of the 7 archangels. Zafkiel is also associated with the planet Saturn.
  • Zafkiel's name also means "beholder of God" or "the contemplation of God."
  • Kurumi's threat level is S-class, higher than Tohka (but lower than Inverse Tohka) which makes her officially the most dangerous Spirit to be known in her standard form. This level is shown to be quite accurate as she was able to face Mana, Tohka and Origami all at once and still have the upper hand.
  • Kurumi's Angel is classified as an S-class Angel, the highest class until now. Her powers can't be measured by conventional scale and they may be growing from all the mana she's consumed.
  • In the anime, Kurumi might have appeared in episode 5 as a cameo (at exactly 2:45, the girl holding a red umbrella).
  • According to the author of the series, Kurumi is a yandere. She is also an old personal character of the author, even older than DaL itself, and the one he's the most attached to.
  • Tsunako stated that Kurumi is the DaL character who is the most worthwhile to draw.
  • The first kanji in Kurumi's surname ("toki", ζ™‚) means "time". 
  •  source: http://date-a-live.wikia.com/wiki/Kurumi_Tokisaki

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